Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Tourist

Film is the most offensive art form because it demands from us the most precious of commodities: our time.

Theater etiquette bleeds into other viewing experiences, but it is at the movie theater that a film demands the most of us. We can't talk, we can't text, we can't leave, we can't pause the movie and come back to it later. It demands, for about ninety minutes, our full attention. 
Books can be put down. No one cares about texting or talking during a song. A painting can be given a glance or an hour long stare. Video games are played at the pace of the player. 
But movies. Movies are long. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is, or whether it is well done or not. But nothing offends quite like a movie that does not draw you in but demands your presence for an hour or so none the less. 

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